Wendy's Blog |
Because your are divine...join a beautiful tribe of wise open hearted women for a day of receiving ~ sharing ~ and filling your soul well to the brim.
An evening with fantastic humans and the guidance of Spirit :: yes please!
A divine and dialed in way to honor the closure of 2021 and ring in 2022 ... with clarity & grace. Movement. Mala. Meditation. Roll out your yoga mat on the beach and let Wendy Billie & Mother Nature serve as your guides as you move your body, mind, & soul to awaken and harmonize the 2nd (sacral) chakra & the 5th (throat) chakra energy portals. These powerful spiraling energetic forces within you will help ignite your creative essence as you then design a unique gemstone mala.
I asked him, What was your favorite part about school? Without a flinch, “summer!” Ha. This is how a recent chat went down with my boyfriend. Me on the other hand, I loved all of school. So much so, I saved old paperwork and played teacher during the summer breaks. Insert all the neighborhood kids lined up in lawn chairs surrounding the pool as I paced the front, I think waving a stick, as I gestured into understanding 1 + 2 using 3 trees in the yard. Think there was a clue back then that teaching was a life gift I was meant to share? I mean, come on, what kid takes a break from swimming to teach? Yep! This one.
As life progressed from 3rd grade, the love of learning stayed with me. I satiated all that teachers were willing to share, the stories that books would etch in my heart, and the wisdom that nature seeped into my cells. You see, my only wish through all the years of sitting at desks, was that the walls would come down and we would be under the blanket of the sky learning from the teacher that never judges or holds anything back. Mother Earth and all of her creatures! In my life’s work, I use her sage teachings wisely, along with spirit animals, all the elements and much more on my path as a shamanic practitioner, energy life coach & yoga teacher. And, I continue to be the most eager of students as I learn throughout all of the Seasons. So I guess, you could say that summer was one of my favorite parts of school too. With Earth Day just around the corner on April 22nd, may you find moments to step out into my most favorite classroom, the one without walls. See you on your yoga mat or elsewhere as I continue to share my hearts love ~ teaching! P.S. Earth Day Yoga Saturday, April 22nd 9am Ottertail (we will be on the beach if mother nature’s warmth gives us a hug or inside…with the windows open) xo Wendy As 2017 begins, I have felt drawn towards the beauty of:
power & peace. action & stillness. speaking & silence. The yin & yang of life. And these words cross my path “Silence is not silent. Silence speaks. It speaks most eloquently. Silence is not still. Silence leads. It leads most perfectly”. ~ Sri Chinmoy Most perfectly indeed. We are not one without the other. In wholeness, Wendy Blow through me, around me, and within me.
Each of us has a connection to the elements of nature. Water Earth Fire Air For those of you who are creatives & visionaries, or for those of you who hop from one task to the next, from one idea to the next…you embody the qualities of Air. And now that we are in the Fall season…Hold onto your hat! You may be in for a whirlwind of thoughts almost like a “I’m going crazy” like state of mind. Because as the Fall season greets us with blowing winds and colorful falling leaves, the element of Air becomes dominant. Adding to the already Air within. In yoga’s sister science of Ayurveda, the air & ether elements are referred to as Vatta. (pronounced: vaw taw) When Vatta takes over and dangerously dips into the I’m spinning or should I say blowing out of control energy, everything seems like a Vatta Gotta. I gotta do this. I gotta do that. But, if you employ some simple grounding and nurturing rituals during this Fall season…your Vatta Gotta will morph into creative energy. This energy will guide you towards gracious action as you flow into this magical season of change. Oh ya…a couple of my favorite grounding rituals: warm baths sprinkled with your favorite essential oils (my Fall season blend favorite is lavender, cedar wood, & patchouli)…a few sprinkles of each will do the trick. Post soothing bath, warm some avocado oil (or any oil you like to use on your skin) and massage it in using a twisting motion called Abhyanga (twist like you are ringing out the skin). And, you can’t beat a yummy cup of chai post a soothing yin yoga class. Our hands fold together at the end of yoga class as our soft gaze looks up into the mystery of the world. The energy is pulsating through the room as we collectivity have shifted it to being a sacred place of utter acceptance and honor. We then silently bow our heads saying to each other “namaste”. This is the scene at the end of every yoga class I guide. But even off of the yoga mat, when that sacred word is spoken or written, I instantly feel a calm peace wash over me. For the depth of its meaning is forever etched into the sweet memory of my mind, body, & spirit. “The light & love in me honors the light & love in you” How can it get any more real than light and love? For some though, seeing themselves as pure light and love may be hard to grasp. I have guided so many yoga newbies on their journey in the midst of conservative small towns and have many times witnessed people sit in silence when the word namaste is spoken. Maybe the silence is the fear of the unknown; “what am I really saying?” Maybe someone has a soar throat. Or maybe, the cat got their tongue. When I started to fully embrace the beauty of sharing namaste with others, this is what I knew I was truly saying to them from the depths of my soul. I see you. I feel you. Who I am honors who you are. You are pure beauty. I hold sacred space as you speak your truth. I see your light through the darkness We ALL want to be loved. We ALL want to be accepted. We ALL want judgement to leave this world forever. So my dear friends, let NAMASTE ring from your lips and be typed in your texts.
Until our paths cross again. In love & sparkly light, Wendy The Billie extended family was all together on Thanksgiving. It is during those packed house family gatherings that the wooden sign I gifted my parents rings true: “as far as anyone knows, we are a nice normal family”. Ahh the irony in the gift. While I would say that we are all nice (well almost all of us), all normal? …that would be difficult to sell the most liberal of jurors. But, the uniqueness that we each possess is what makes me love them even more. For if the household was full of a bunch of Wendy’s …oh my…you wouldn’t know what to think as you saw the house floating away by the guidance of magical unicorns. And suffice to say, one of my brother-in-law’s isn’t a firm unicorn believer. The morning after games ensued into the wee hours, my sis and I slid sleepily into the kitchen wearing the same shirt with these words boldly plastered across our chests: Wake Up and Be Awesome Well, my sis wasn’t looking sleepy as she had already donned her makeup and looked glorious like she always does but yes, I was the one with the hair reaching the heights of the ceiling thanks to the curly hair war with the pillow (hence the cropping of the photo in this blog post).
But I digress. Back to the story. The unicorn non-believer brother-in-law takes one look at us as he sips his coffee and emphatically states “I could never wear that shirt. I’m not a morning person”. I just smiled and said it means a lot more than being a morning person. And I love him for the confused look on his face, yet a spark of interest sparkled in his eyes, for we all wake up a little more each day. Are you ready to Wake Up! and Be awesome? Yoga and meditation are gateways to help you Wake Up! and Be Awesome. I’ll see you on your mat and if you are brave enough to wear the cool shirt…send me a message as I have a couple left For Sale. In love and sparkly unicorn light, wendy The jaguar was roaming through tall grass perpetually searching. She was a mirror reflection of my questioning mental energy looking for the right place to call home. And then, her feline gentle eyes looked at me and said “wherever you go ~ your home is always inside yourself”. My journey as a shamanic practitioner has been humbling and awakening. The simplistic yet powerful truth is revealed to me again and again, and as I grow, I am inspired to share the energetic wisdom with others. I’ve always known myself to be a seeker of truth and since I landed in a small lake town of Minnesota mother earth provides the nourishment to ground me in the now. The earth element helps us to feel at home within ourselves. But so often, we loose our stable footing in our quest to be it all and do it all. Life moves fast and we try to move faster which can easily spin us into searching mode away from the knowing within. I welcome you now to slow down your quest for just 8 minutes of yoga. Feel the earth and ignite the meridian energetic pathways that help connect you to the home within; making your connection with the outside world a smooth voyage. 1. Come to your hands and knees and separate your legs wide. Setting your ankles on the floor, slide your butt back to rest between and as close to your heals as your body allows. Extend your arms outstretched in front. Now, melt your stomach & chest towards the earth and bow your head down. (If your head doesn’t touch the ground, rest it on a soft pillow or folded blanket.) Feel your breath rise and fall; paying particular attention to the breath as you exhale. Be still for 5 minutes. ** Tip: Set your phone timer to a soothing quiet chime to notify you of time completion. Being startled by a loud alarm will erase some of the calm earthy opening ** I am at home with myself. I am grounded. I am connected to my current world.
Be sure to float gratitude out to the wisdom of your energetic body and the spirit world that is always by your side; particularly mother earth with this exercise. Until our paths cross again. Shining love and light on you, Wendy Billie Not for the flexible? But wait. When I see people on their yoga mats, they seem to be in all sorts of bendy poses. Their heads can reach places I hadn’t before thought of exploring and their backs twist into shapes that I had only seen at a Cirque du Soleil performance in Vegas. Yoga seems to only be about the flexible. Those words are a flavorful version of conversations I’ve had over the years with people who are afraid of yoga. The list of fears is not limited to the misunderstanding of our bodies abilities, but an obligatory comment tends to be “I’m not flexible”. As a yoga teacher, I see fears as an opportunity to realize what part of our true nature is screaming to come out and play. So if you are one of the yoga-wanna-be-newbies that has tons of red fear flags waving — stiff non-flexible ‘ol body being one of them — here is what I lovingly share with you. Yoga is not for the flexible. It is for the willing. Go ahead. Roll out a yoga mat, breathe, move, and just show up. You may just have the best performance of your life —without the flashing lights of Las Vegas.
In love & light, Wend |
Wendy BillieInternational yoga instructor, Shamanic Practitioner, life coach, and more! SubscribeCategories