Wendy's Blog |
Minnesotan's are used to mother nature's slow methodical dance into a new season. Her colors are always laid upon her pallet ~ as the canvas soaks in the elements ~ and so we patiently await the thrill of seeing with renewed eyes.
And thus we will travel to the North Shore to a place that sits overlooking the beautiful Lake Superior. Feeling nature encase us in a welcoming hug as we weave our soul on an adventure of inner knowing and outer spiritual guidance. A landscape to play, connect, and rejuvenate in tune with the drum of the waters, earth, and fire. The first weekend of April ~ unplug ~ reset ~ and prepare your wild soul for Spring. It is divine time to venture to the North Shore of Minnesota.
The eyes popped open as pink peaked through the shades
Day was calling A smile upturned the edges of her dream laden face Was it a waterfall or golden stones Imagery faded fast from the subconscious night talks Now was calling The day her soul always feels at ease The celestial time when the sun enters Capricorn Western astrology calls the infamous goat her sign Horoscopes attempt to convince her influential brain To believe Yet the dreams fill her thoughts over the unwavering determination of the goat Today she is a medicine wheel believer A red cardinal lands on your windowsill ~ a bat flies toward your face (yes! that just happened to me) ~ a crow shows up in a “random” text from a friend and then on a bumper sticker on the car at a stop light… you know what I’m talking about.
Spiritual signs galore. Constant reminders of the divine intelligence that resides within all sentient beings. Little guardians helping us to wake up! and notice. This moment is showing you how
the leaves the season of blowing air Just Let Go I awoke with vivid pictures and feelings body sensations of 2 humans 2 situations That had wronged me My nephew & his girlfriend just had a baby
Malcolm he was born at 8:36am 1 minute after he had told me he was ready to come hOMe he whispered that he would arrive in a state of fire & peace As I sat in meditation the morning of his birth miles away from the unknown progress at the hospital thoughts of baby Malcom were clear as ice We talked and I invited him to arrive Instead of staying stuck in this apparent impasse ~ open your mind to the infinite number of possibilities before you ~ and make a choice. ~ Spider Wisdom from Dr. Steven Farmer Earlier this week I had a moment of sitting in my car trying to remember if I had eaten lunch. I didn't feel hungry. Being a very visual person ~ it is "typically" easy for me to see the pictures of before. But no image was registering of me putting food in my belly. A tell tale sign that I've had moments of numb. Lost in my mind & wounded in heart. I call them winks from spirit. Those sweet messages that access the wisdom of your soul. But sometimes ~ the whispers become shouts and then nudges ~ so strong you can feel a tap on the arm or a push forward. And that is how it happened when spirit came a calling ~ calling me to hold sacred space as a guide and channel for an Intuitive Medicine Circle.
As the Fall leaves change and gracefully drop from their homes, a group of women will be embarking on a yoga shamanic island retreat in Minnesota. Tucked away not far from Battle Lake, MN sits a little private peninsula (called Xanadu Island). A place of betwixt and between. Hugged by water ~ where access to our buddha chitta knowing stands in the middle ~ the veil reveals and we Rise!
What if...
For just one day you stepped out You slowly yet deliberately unzipped the suit the suit of warrior armor that adorns your flesh and bones the one that has helped you for lifetimes yet in this moment in this blink of time Lean in a little closer ~ she said. I stepped forward and hugged her warmly ... I could feel her arms drip down in attempts to embrace me in return. The direct exchange of loving energy floated between us ~ and the tree (and I) smiled in unison ~ soaking in the profound connection we were sharing.
Have you hugged a tree lately? Have you gotten in real close to nature and listened to her wisdom? POSTPONED: New Date & New Lication coming soon!! 🌀✌🏻 Draped in the New Moon energies ~ I will be guiding you to receive “whispers from nature”. The cosmic energies are swirling around and within you. The “super” full moon is about to work her grandmother action. She will be dropping her ear nice and cozy close to us humans ~ where she will be listening intently ~ being the closest she has been all March. She is geared up to “worm” into your life and whisper sweetness to your soul. A bit like the close talker from Seinfeld ~ but you will want to lean in towards her voice of wisdom.
Quite your mind, open your heart, and live with more compassion. Easier said than done but once you learn the ancient and research supported tool of meditation ~ you will be on your way to a heart conscious living.
To meditate. A sitting practice to go in. Dive deep. & Listen. Listen for the infinite wisdom that is awaiting in the crevices of You. Open the window inside your chest And let the spirits Fly in & out ~ Rumi The YOU that is pure love and light. The depths of you where compassion is the default. Now is the time to receive and share from your awakened radiant light. Join me ... She could see half of the cat and the rest disappeared. As the mist engulfed the entire furry feline, Stef rose from the bed and followed. She was visibly angelic ~ her essence filled with peace, beauty and calm. Theresa had witnessed her sister pass through the spiritual veil ~ being lead by her faithful kitty friend. Stef’s human suffering with cancer was over and her new journey had begun.
Being formerly agnostic ~ not knowing how or what to believe ~ Theresa was forever changed. She had seen truth. We sat cross-legged casually facing each other on the bear skin rug. My shaman guide smiled and spoke for the first time “is hawk a spirit animal that works with you”? A smile donned my lips and an audible yes filled the space. “He is circling the parking lot from where you just came”. We both looked out the window and smiled with a deep knowing.
Peaceful Warrior Woman Retreat @ Ottertail Lake, MN August 25th & 26th, 2018 In 2016, I was called to create a Women's Awakening Festival. Incredible souls showed up from all over the midwest (and further) to embark on a journey to wake up their "authentic ~ creative truth" (5th chakra energies). The energies continued into 2017 as the theme evolved into the beauty of "intuitive knowing" (6th chakra energies) at the 2nd Annual Women's Awakening Festival. And now, here we are in the midst of 2018. With my ear to my heart, I have been receiving new guidance.
Wendy BillieInternational yoga instructor, Shamanic Practitioner, life coach, and more! SubscribeCategories