Wendy's Blog |
Intuition is seeing with the soul. ~ Albert Einstein
I love LOVE love that each moment of every day is a new opportunity to live in bold ~ no apologies ~ this is who I am ~ truth. And now onto growing your truth. Are you a person reading this because you want to know the secret to turning up the volume of your intuition? Then, I must first begin with a WARNING from your intution.
As the clouds swirled and the rain surrounded women from south to north and east to west, their unique souls gathered as ONE. The winds headed the call of Spirit as rain clouds were pealed away and held to the perimeter of the sacred land. An opening, a window, a valley towards clarity had been created. They stood in a portal of awakening. Voices shared wisdom, hands brought healing, music guided them to move their hips and dance on mother earth’s belly, and then they heard the undeniable vibration. Awake! Awake to the power & beauty that lies within! They stood in the middle of Mother Nature’s Portal. They were being called back to the root of the feminine. To their goddess essence. The Women’s Awakening Festival image was seen everywhere as the feminine stood on the inverted lotus flower patiently awaiting no longer to rise from the false sense of self that had been lingering amongst her family & friends. She was ready to be authentic, vulnerably raw, and uniquely herself. She held a spiral of goddess energy in her hands and once released into the universe; there would be no turning back. She would speak her truth. She would awaken to the intuitive gifts guiding her to heal so she may in turn help the world flow with the grace of nature. Until our paths cross again my sweet friends, Wendy She crawled out of bed and made the conscious choice to nurture herself. Making her way into the living room, as the rising sun shined his glory on her, she slowly began to move her body. Her breathing was her best friend as she flowed into movements of twists, bends, and extensions. She knew each shape her body took had a name but in that moment labels were far from her thoughts; she was in the moment to just be.
For days (maybe even weeks), her thoughts had returned to questions that all of her outward searching could not answer. She was ready to awaken the intuitive nature of her soul’s wisdom ~ for there is where she knew clarity would come. As her body and breath began to slow into a state of rest, she found herself seated ~ unable to move. She would soon begin to realize that she had tapped into an ancient secret of the yogis from India; meditation. It was in that moment she began to ask the questions that burdened her mind. And then ~ she sat in stillness ~ ready to receive. Yoga prepares you for meditation. Over 5000 years ago, yoga was created to prepare the body to sit for long periods of time. It was an energetic tool to help you meditate. For in times of meditation, we shed the stresses that our mind has trouble letting go of and we allow ourselves to wake up to the beauty within and all around. Mediation prepared me for You. Not long ago, I was sitting on mother earth in my tipi. I had received a message that I was to lead a Women’s Awakening Festival and while I knew that was truth; I didn’t know where to start and surely google would not give me the answers I sought, so I turned to meditation. I asked my inner knowing, my state of pure awareness or consciousness, to merge with the wisdom of nature all around. It was in that moment I began to feel a spark through the core of my being and I was able to envision a festival to help women heal; heal as they shed the old labels of who they were told to be and choose a new look of authenticity. Within those visions, I saw hundreds of women gathered around a stage, I heard lovely music and laughter, I saw women creating art, movement, and meditating, and I felt vibration of loving support all around as I saw nature grinning. Women’s Awakening Festival prepares you for You. On Saturday, Aug 20th, my meditative vision is coming to life! Women are gathering at Ottertail Lake to raise their vibration as they ignite their intuitive strength and beauty. Along with the guidance of holistic healers & artists from Minnesota to North Dakota to Iowa, each woman will begin to step onto a path that is uniquely theirs. Are you ready to Celebrate YOU? Join the tribe at wendybillie.com |
Wendy BillieInternational yoga instructor, Shamanic Practitioner, life coach, and more! SubscribeCategories