Wendy's Blog |
Yoga has become so mainstreamed in our wellness seeking culture that it’s concept is at least known to the masses. Yet, to truly understand it’s medicine…yes…medicine for your mind, body, and soul ~ we need to look at her sister science : Ayurveda.
Let’s dive in and feel radiant!
When the veil is thin & connection is palpable in the air, we gather together as heart centered curious souls. All of us seek hOMe. A sacred place within ourselves and in the lives we choose to live. Join Wendy & special Psychic Medium guest for a beautiful Autumn Equinox weekend where you will walk into the heart of your soul along with the guidance of your spiritual team.
When I hit the wise age of 48, my hair took a drastic turn. She stopped growing and I lost strands in handfuls. I’ve always shed like a cat having curly hair ~ yet things were different on top. I could tell my hair was not happy and when I looked in the mirror ~ I found myself asking “is this just hormonal change or something more”? Well...
I believe I was 28 when I met a group of girlfriends in Sedona for a mini college reunion. Everyone was excited for their massages yet I had booked a session with a woman up in the hills, where I was in search of what my past lives entailed.
An evening with fantastic humans and the guidance of Spirit :: yes please! Have you been to the BEyoutiful Never Better upstairs studio in Battle Lake MN? The big windows & fresh clean lines beg for clarity to float in. And that is what we will access indeed! Join me and a group of amazing women for an evening of Yoga & Intuitive Readings.
Breathe in the fresh air ~ feel the vortex vibrations ~ heal ~ explore ~ and pamper yourself as you connect with the heart of your soul in sacred Sedona Arizona.
Late Fall ... just as the spiritual veil begins to thin ~ Join Shaman Soul & Yoga Mystic Wendy Billie. And on one of the magical retreat days ... explore the land and Spirit with her special Native American guest & friend ~ Shamanic Astrologer and Sound Healer John. An evening with fantastic humans and the guidance of Spirit :: yes please!
A divine and dialed in way to honor the closure of 2021 and ring in 2022 ... with clarity & grace. For years the words "winter solstice" would trigger thoughts in my head :: cold, dark, long, Must Seek Cozy. The little blonde hairs on my arms would stand at attention registering the temperature outside. Amazing how our thoughts create a somatic response! But now when I know solstice is approaching ~ I get all giddy.
I have felt the nudge ~ the whispers ~ the wild within calling to gather. And indeed we shall! Join me and other magical and amazing women for a day of "unleashing our light". Let's come undone and have some fun!
An evening with fantastic humans and the guidance of Spirit :: yes please! There is just something so mystical and soothing as you venture down a narrow road (onto a little island just outside Battle Lake MN) as you join a group of amazing women for an evening of Yoga & Spirit Readings ... maybe the owl will visit or the trees will whisper ... or the eagle will soar out our window...all will be received with heart wide open and tons of laughs.
Are you a Capricorn a Taurus a Pieces a Scorpio? I'm sure you've been asked that before ~ meaning ~ what's your sun sign? In our sparkly galactic beyond ~ that's code for asking "which planet was hanging out with the sun on your magical day of your birth? Sitting in your house sipping "welcome to earth school" tea.
On the day before August's full moon ~ "When all things ripen" ~ Emerge from your cocoon and invite the spreading of your transformed butterfly wings.
Mother nature’s wisdom asks us to go inward during her winter season. To get quiet ~ to cozy up ~ and to receive. It is a divine time to spark your intuition and imagination. And that is the exploration we will embark on in a cozy small Minnesota town bookstore just as the winds and snow ignite the magic.
Rolling out yoga mats and fluffing meditation cushions ~ we will journey encased by revelations of others inner thoughts ~ dreams and stories ~ we will open up your soul’s wisdom that lies within. I LOVE me the Sunroom Coffee House in Battle Lake. During these tender and uncertain times ~ they are offering their yummy drinks 'to go'. But for our Sunday Over Easy time together...we are moving it online.
Yes! We will be LIVE and virtual. Records spinning ~ yummy yoga session ~ I'll do an oracle card intuitive reading for each person ...and then you grab your won bevie (maybe a tea, glass of wine, a pint? ... and we hang out together and raise our vibes. RESCHEDULED DATE: NEXT workshop June 14th 2020 The drum beat and Spirit knew. The spirit within nature ~ within you ~ within we ~ within the infinite All. Great Spirit ~ you may call God ~ and my soul names Divine Love. She knew I was calling to her sovereign truth and infinite wisdom. The drum beat rattled & roared waking the dormant light that was bursting to shine.
Wendy BillieInternational yoga instructor, Shamanic Practitioner, life coach, and more! SubscribeCategories